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One of the skills IB emphasizes is the ability to ask questions. In each grade, IB questions or concepts are used to deepen understanding of content. The expectations change as the children grow: for example: In Kindergarten, the focus is to understand the meaning of a question: to find out information. As well as to learn he difference between asking a question and telling, with the purpose of informing.

As the children progress through the grade levels and their ability to ask questions develops, they are encouraged to strive for higher-level types of questions, questions that go beyond form and function and into interrelationships, change, responsibility, etc.

The IB concept questions also provide a lens for each unit of inquiry. For example, the American Revolution can be compared to revolutions in other times and places in terms of cause and effect, or in terms of point of view of the parties, or in terms of what we have learned to avoid a war as a way to solve a confict; or any combination of the above.


FORM: What is it like?

FUNCTION: How does it work?

CAUSATION: Why is it like it is?

CONNECTION: How is it related to other things?

CHANGE: How is it changing?

PERSPECTIVE: What are the points of view?

REFLECTION: How do we know?

RESPONSIBILITY: What is our responsibility?